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Tek Derdımız Odev

İngilizce A1.2 Evrensel İletişim Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 67

Sayfadaki A Etkinliği Cevapları:
Freedom and independence are the two most important
characters of Atatürk. If we think of his life story, we can
see that he builds everything in his life on the basis of
freedom and independence. There is the trace of freedom
and independence behind all his efforts and revolutions,
so he says “Freedom and independence form my character.” The War of Independence, the foundation
of Turkish Grand National Assembly, the declaration of
Turkish Republic, granting women the right to vote, his
efforts for economic freedom of Turkey, etc. are some
of his efforts to provide freedom and independence in
Sayfadaki B Etkinliği Cevapları:
1. It’s rationalistic.
2. It’s scientific.
3. It’s open to innovation and modernisation.
5. It aims national unity and cooperation.
6. It aims a worldwide respect among nations.
7. It’s universal.
8. It aims the peace and freedom for all humanity all
over the world.

Sayfadaki C Etkinliği Cevapları:
1. The aim of it is to reach contemporary and modern
civilisation level.
2. Because rational and scientific thinking can solve all
kinds of problems.
3. It can only be possible with a worldwide respect
among nations.
4. It’s a universal value because it aims peace and
freedom for all humanity all over the world.

Sayfadaki D Etkinliği Cevapları:
We can build more schools with technology classes.
We can build more universities.
We can build more factories.
We can improve the transportation.
We can improve the health system.

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